Last night, CBS aired an exclusive one-hour program titled First Lady Michelle Obama Says Farewell To The White House: An Oprah Winfrey Special. Aside from discussing family life, what’s next for the Obama’s and the legacy they’ll leave behind – they also discussed the family’s passion for photo books!
Oprah asked about the process of moving out of the White House and about coming across a lot of sentimental items that provoke memories and how much harder that makes it to pack (and we can all relate to that). One of the First Lady’s prized possessions is a book signed by Nelson Mandela and that was a natural segway into the other important books in her life – her photo books!
“We have a lot of photo books. We do those all the time, we do them as gifts”
If you’ve ever decided to make a photo book, you know what goes into them. The photo selection, the layout of the book, designing the cover and choosing the vendor that meets all your needs can all take up a good chunk of your time, even though it’s a lot of fun. Understandably, Oprah looked impressed and inquired, “You do a book every year?!”
“We do it every year. Barack does one for his team, his entire senior team. We do one for family members, sort of laying out the year that the girls had. You know, that’s a good Christmas gift for Grandma’s and Godmothers and all that.”
Michelle Obama, you could not be more correct. We have had many people come through our doors to work on a photo book project with our designers and they are an incredibly rewarding and occasionally emotional process. Whether you prefer to create a fun year in review, or are working on the history of your family in memory of a loved one, they will always bring joy to the people who cherish them.
Oprah took a moment before her interview with the First Lady to review one of the books made for the Obama’s staff this year.
“What I sensed, just from looking through the book for this year, so many events – from college signing day, to going to have tea and lunch with the Queen, and meaningful school trips. So there’s meaning, and yet, as I was going through the pages, so much laughter!”
Meaning and laughter, the perfect way to describe what a photo book can mean. If you want to watch the full interview, you can view it here. They begin discussing photo books at the 13 minute point. You can learn more about our photo book services here!
And now we know what Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden got for Christmas!