Vinyl Record to Digital or CD Transfer Service
“Our ultimate goal is to make your best memories EverPresent in your life. Digitizing degrading photos and home movies is a necessary first step. Once your memories are safely digital, a world of searchable family archives and storytelling keepsakes are suddenly possible! We look forward to working with you.”
Why Families & Institutions Nationwide Choose EverPresent

- Value: The size of our company allows us to provide more for less. Our digitizing is higher quality and better organized – and we offer an array of advanced services you won’t find anywhere else. Our pricing is transparent and always includes 60 days of free digital downloads and sharing.
- Convenience: Home and office pickups, over 50 local stores and easy shipping options. And unlike other companies, we embrace tedious work like transcribing written labels into your USB filenames and DVD labels so you don’t have to.
- Trust: Over 50 million memories preserved, 30+ years experience, 80+ expert technicians. Alarmed, sprinklered, camera-monitored, US-based, high-tech lab. Advanced barcode tracking and email technology to keep you updated.
- Respect: No upfront payments and no rushed decisions. Deciding whether to have us split and label your tracks, do advanced sound editing or upgrade to archival file formats can have a real budget impact. That’s why we include a free consultation after we’ve reviewed your materials to assure you pick the right options at the right price to suit your needs.

Pricing & Options for Vinyl to Digital Conversions
EverPresent’s unique approach to pricing:
- Our team will walk you through the technical options in advance before you commit to anything. It’s free to get your materials to us for an estimate and there’s no upfront payment.
- We only charge for the work we do, not for a preset numbers of items. We don’t promote flashy discounts or expiring coupons. We offer volume discounts because it’s fair, and we apply them automatically.
- We offer the widest range of options and capabilities to assure your project gets what it needs, but out of respect for your budget, never more than it needs. In our business, one size rarely fits all (or fits in a box).
Ultimately, what we care about is helping families do this important project ONCE – and do it right the first time.
Vinyl RecordsFirst 10 Vinyls: $25.99/record$15.99 for records 11+This 40% volume discount will be applied automatically! |

Our standard vinyl to digital service provides excellent value for most of our clients. If you are interested in advanced options to get even more out of your vinyl collection, please review the “Upgrades” tab on the far right.
Audio CassettesFirst 10 Audio Cassettes: $25.99/tape$15.99 for tapes 11+This 40% volume discount will be applied automatically! |

Our standard audio cassette transfer service provides excellent value for most of our clients. If you are interested in advanced digitizing or organizing options, review the “Upgrades” tab on the far right for our full suite of options.
Reel-to-Reel AudioStarting at $45.99 for 3" reelsSave 10% on 10+ reelsThis bulk discount will be applied automatically! |
Our standard reel-to-reel service provides excellent value for most of our clients. If you are interested in advanced options to get even more out of your vinyl collection, please review the “Upgrades” tab on the far right.
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3 easy ways to work with us:
Too many boxes to move on your own? Complimentary home and office pickups are offered throughout the Northeast for projects over $300.

All readily available for convenient drop-off. See which store is closest to you. Our drivers personally transport projects to our local lab for digitizing.

We accept mail-in orders from across the U.S. We’ll email a pre-paid UPS label or apply a shipping credit if you ship on your own.

Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a vinyl LP record, it can play for 20 – 25 minutes for each side with a maximum of 45 minutes. There are a couple of exceptions to this that can go up to 52 minutes and these were usually Broadway or classical LPs. The 78s were meant for singles and run 3 – 4 minutes on each side, and the 45s run about the same because they usually have one song on each side.
Usually by the size or the speed written on the label. The 12″ records are the 33s, the 10″ records are the 78s and the 7″ records are the 45s. If you’re unsure, our team will let you know what kind of record you have!
If you’ve taken good care of your vinyl records, there’s no reason you shouldn’t expect a beautiful lp to CD conversion. That being said, as with all analog video & audio formats, if they are damaged or in rough shape it can affect the quality, but our audio technicians are incredibly talented and experienced and will get the most out of any vinyl LP you share with us. For example, your 78 records are made out of shellac, not vinyl. These records predate your 33s and 45s by decades, so they’ve seen more wear and shellac is proven to have a shorter shelf-life than vinyl. Any wear and tear on this particular format are going to cause more distortion in your digital copy.
This is a surprisingly common request, mainly because vinyl covers were awesome. Thankfully, EverPresent has a huge image scanning department and a fleet of oversized scanners. We’re happy to scan your album covers and include a high resolution .jpg file at the beginning of each folder of audio files.
We do. Our vinyl digitizing process uses various optimizations, but the big one is called a decrackle filter. Vinyl records crackled a bit initially, and a lot as they aged over the years. Sophisticated decrackle filters remove the distracting level of this noise while retaining the true vinyl sound. We also do equalizing and anti-hiss filters when appropriate.
The great news is that vinyl players are still being made and the new models are good and have convenient outputs for digitizing on a computer. Our process involves advanced interfaces and premium connections that get the most out of the sound, along with optimizing software. But if you want to try this at home, for $300-400 you can get a perfectly solid vinyl player. The key for us and anyone is to keep the needle clean and have replacement needles on hand. Doing a high volume digitizing project on vinyl will wear out the needle quicker than you think.
We always recommend getting a set of .mp3 files from your vinyl recordings as they are easiest to play and compatible with smartphones. But if you are a real audiophile, we’re happy to give you a redundant set of larger .wav files. If your ear can tell the difference, it’s a minimal expense since we start all vinyl transfers as .wav files and then re-encode them to .mp3 or CDs. And the additional USB sizes are just a few dollars more. We rarely push upgrades like this, but .wav file sets are cheap enough that you shouldn’t shy if you want one.
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Get an estimate on your vinyl record to CD project!
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You’re in good hands! Our team has decades of experience turning millions of photos and videos into beautiful digital memories that you can share with others.
Did you know Thomas Edison actually invented the first phonograph in 1877? Also known as a gramophone record, LP record or most commonly known as a vinyl record. This analog format has a long history and even though they are still manufactured on a small scale, they left the mainstream around 1991. If you have any sort of record you want to convert to CD, the most popular ones our audio technicians capture on a day-to-day basis are the 78s, 45s and 33s. When we convert vinyl records to CD, you also receive a digital file done by an experienced audio technician and captured directly to the computer before undergoing our extensive quality control process then burned to CD. Most vinyl records will fit onto one CD and you can also share the downloadable mp3 files.
If you want to convert audio tapes to CD, visit this page.
If you want to transfer reel-to-reel audio to CD, visit this page.