Haven’t watched your VHS tapes or 8mm film reels in a while? You likely forgot about analog video problems like tracking errors and blank footage, but they haven’t gone away. Luckily, we conduct four quality checks while reviving your home …
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From GoLocalProv: A Rhode Island local has joined EverPresent to help us preserve and organize her neighbors’ family legacies. Daniella Giorgio is the first consultant chosen to serve our clients in Providence and the surrounding area. Rhode Island families can …
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Wait. EverPresent is a Boston-area company, so why are we in the Rhode Island Small Business Journal? Because New England families now have even more options to share and enjoy their home movies and vintage photos. This RISBJ article covers …
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It’s one thing to read or hear about what we do, but there’s something magical about reliving your own favorite moments from the pictures and movies we transfer to digital. That’s what Dan Foley discovered before writing us up on …
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